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Winter is well and truly upon us, and the cold snap has seen parts of the country struggling with ice and snowfall. It’s at this time of year that many businesses realise that equipment or stock is unprotected from the elements. Iced up machinery or vehicles can make running your business far more difficult than usual. And that’s not to mention staff who normally work outside, who can find conditions pretty tricky to cope with too.
Temporary structures are the ideal solution for any business struggling with lack of space, but they also provide protection from the elements. The German engineering used in all of our temporary structures guarantees durability for peace of mind when bad weather strikes. Our standard structures are produced with a minimum windload of 0.65 kn/m² and a minimum snowload of 75.00 kg/m² for maximum protection from severe weather. These standard windloads and snowloads can be increased on request. The addition of optional Insulated wall panels and heating systems will also make sure your temporary structure stays warm, for workers comfort and the protection of goods, machinery or equipment.
All of our structures are as robust as bricks and mortar, but can be easily erected within days. This is especially useful when speed is of the essence and bad weather is forecasted. So whatever the weather, your business can operate as normal. Battening down the hatches has never been so easy. So call us for more information and advice on weather proofing your industry.

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